Södermalm menu
3 course set menu
580 kr
butterfried chantarelles, cream cheese, levain bread, onion, parsley root, parsley
reindeer roastbeef, creamy mushrooms, mashed potatoes, apple compote, crispy kale, red wine sauce
small chocolate mousse, olive oil, sea salt
60 kr
manzanilla olives
60 kr
marcona almonds
35 kr/st
oysters no.3, shallot vinegar, lemon
175 kr
butterfried chantarelles, cream cheese, levain bread, onion, parsley root, parsley
175 kr
queen scallop (5 pieces), aioli, bread crisp, chives
295 kr
kalix bleak roe, smetana, silver onion, deep-fried mandel potatoes, lemon, dill
195 kr
öjeby on rye bread, crayfish, mayonnaise, västerbotten cheese, cumin, kalix bleak roe, dill
195 kr
steak tartare, västerbotten cheese mayonnaise, pickled chantarell, onion, crispy jerusalem-artichoke
Main courses
275 kr
baked point cabbage, gotland lentils ragout, asparagus, chives cream cheese, borettane onion, marcona almond
285 kr
kryp in´s fish- and shellfish casserole, aioli, aged cheese, dill
335 kr
char fillet, beurre blanc, smoked trout roe, mashed potatoes, cucumber, horseradish, dill
310 kr
steak tartare, västerbotten cheese mayonnaise, pickled chantarell, onion, crispy jerusalem-artichoke, deep-fried potatoes
325 kr
grilled sirloin, tomato salad, sauce béarnaise, browned butter, deep-fried potatoes
355 kr
reindeer roastbeef, creamy mushrooms, mashed potatoes, apple compote, crispy kale, red wine sauce
65 kr
small chocolate mousse, olive oil, sea salt
105 kr
crème brûlée
115 kr
kryp in´s mess, raspberry, coconut, cream, meringue, condensed milk
65 kr
a scoop of sorbet or ice cream
75 kr
piece of cheese, marmalade, crispbread
Opening hours
- Tue - Sun
Contact us
- Phone 08 - 121 47 114
- Address Timmermansgatan 22 118 55 Stockholm